Probiotics can help with ailments including poor digestion, insomnia and allergies

Your intestines are home to 500 million bacteria – some good, some bad.

It is widely known that the more good bacteria in your gut, the stronger your immune system will be.

Probiotics, commonly found in yogurt, are often referred to as good bacteria. They help the body absorb important vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron and vitamins, A, D, E and K.

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What can do for you

Not all probiotics are created equal. If you are having mixed results(or even bad results) maybe you need to re-evaluate your probiotic. We have tools for users at all levels. Its free. Talk to your doctor for advice.

For the beginner:Easily narrow down on your product by just searching or using the filters. Compare different products and also prices.

For the Advanced level:Research by name, strains, cfu’s, allergens and many more filters.The results include details like ingredients, link to the manufacturers page, allergen/gluten info,detailed list of strains, CFU’s , compare multiple products, even compare prices.

Its FREE to use! We don’t sell any product. Be Well…Belly Well.

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