Probiotics are good bacteria that are naturally found in the body. Your body produces both good and bad bacteria constantly. The harmful bacteria increase when your body has an infection that knocks the immune system out of balance. On the other hand, good bacteria aid in getting rid of excess harmful bacteria and maintain balance.

Probiotics are substances that aid in keeping your body healthy and functioning as it should. They help to eliminate harmful bacteria and enhance the process of recovery. Probiotics involve your microbiome (a group of organisms in your body that work together to keep it healthy).

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Not all probiotics are created equal. If you are having mixed results(or even bad results) maybe you need to re-evaluate your probiotic. Take advantage of the our Probiotic Research tool to find out what’s in your supplement(the so called “other ingredients”) or even find a new one from our hundreds of listing. Its free to use. Talk to your doctor for advice.

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