For over a century, a variety of good bacteria has been extoled as a means to improve our general health. Today, these helpful microbes are better known as probiotics. When taken, according to the definition, a person can expect to receive some form of a health benefit.

The actual list of probiotic species is relatively small with the majority of species coming from the Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium genera. They are without a doubt the most studied and offer the best value for the money. Yet, while these two are dominating the probiotic field, other species have slowly made their way from the papers of academia to store shelves.


What’s in your supplement?

What can do for you:

Not all probiotics are created equal. If you are having mixed results(or even bad results) maybe you need to re-evaluate your probiotic. Take advantage of the best Probiotic Research tool to find out what’s in your supplement or even find a new one from our hundreds of listing. Its free to use. Talk to your doctor for advice.

For the beginner:Easily narrow down on your product by just browsing or using the filters. Compare different products and also prices.

For the Advanced level:Research by name, strains, cfu’s, allergens and many more filters.The results include details like ingredients, link to the manufacturers page, allergen/gluten info,detailed list of strains, CFU’s . You can compare multiple products, even compare prices on sites like etc.

Its FREE to use! 

Be Well…Belly Well.


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