

DailyMail – Struggling with stress? Then have a probiotic yoghurt

Eating probiotic yoghurts could help to cure stress and anxiety, new research suggests. Beneficial live bacteria that are introduced to the body have become increasingly popular as a way to improve gut health. But the benefits of products like Yakult and Activia yoghurts could spread much further than just promoting a healthy digestive tract, scientists [...]

December 30th, 2016|probiotics|0 Comments

VancouverSun -Pet Therapy: Would your anxious dog benefit from probiotics?

Whether you are a comfort eater, or someone who can’t eat when they feel stressed, many of us have experienced first hand how our mood can vastly affect our appetite. In addition to the effect that stress can have on hunger, research has revealed that what goes on in our gut can also influence how [...]

December 30th, 2016|probiotics|0 Comments

Care2 – The Surprising Natural Remedy for Anxiety

    When you think of anxiety, you probably think of work stress, home stress, and family stress. You probably never consider what happens in your gut as a relevant factor for your emotional health. But anxiety and depression are increasingly being linked to gastrointestinal conditions as I found while researching my book. Read more [...]

March 9th, 2015|probiotics|0 Comments

HuffPo – The Surprising Link Between Gut Bacteria And Anxiety

In recent years, neuroscientists have become increasingly interested in the idea that there may be a powerful link between the human brain and gut bacteria. And while a growing body of research has provided evidence of the brain-gut connection, most of these studies so far have been conducted on animals. Read More   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What [...]

January 15th, 2015|probiotics|0 Comments